
Saturday, September 09, 2006

MLM Training- The Heart and The Heat

MLM Training-The Heart and The Heat

by Doug Firebaugh

Today I was looking at the lake where we have a lake place, and I started thinking about Network marketing and why people struggle with it.

Just does not make sense to me. It seems so easy. All you do is talk to people about what they want in life and how to get it.

But yet, people seem to struggle all the time with this business model.

And I remember what my mentor said to me on time.

"Doug, sometimes, you just have to understand that the secret of Success is Heart and Heat. You MUST put your whole Heart in it, and then turn up the Heat of Desire with little baby Successes along the way everyday. It is the little successes combined that create the huge wins in MLM. If you do this, you will find your business moving so much quicker, bigger, and easier."

Heart and Heat.

For MLM, those words are gold.

You gotta release the Power of the Heart, and Fire of the Heart at the same time.

If you, do, you will find your Success Impact on your prospects literally explode your magnetism, and your Results!

MLM Success Training